Video: Lexus commercial highlights brand’s hybrid involvement since 2004
It’s strange, but it’s true. While other car brands are just slowly getting into the hybrid bandwagon, Lexus is one company that has already been in the bandwagon since 2004. Yeah, 2004 may just be six years ago, but the whole landscape of what things were back to then to what things are now are considerably different.
For starters, according to this Lexus commercial, ‘YouTube’ wasn’t even alive back then and ‘Facebook’ was only being used exclusively in dorm rooms. Today, however, you won’t go one day without knowing someone who accesses these two sites on a regular basis. At the same time, 2010 is shaping up to be the year multiple car brands celebrate the release of their inaugural hybrid vehicles, a fact that hasn’t gone unnoticed by the folks at Lexus, who seem to enjoying the fact that while the hybrid newbies are multiplying exponentially, they, on the other hand, have already over 190,000 hybrid vehicles all over the world that have traveled more than 5.5 billion miles since the brand launched its first hybrid vehicle back in 2004.
You can say that Lexus is ahead of its time in terms of hybrid development and if you watch this pretty cool new ad featuring thousands of Lexus Hybrids performing a synchronized moving story, there’s a reason why Lexus is proud to be a pioneer in this regard: with hybrid technology evolving over the last five years and as it continues to further evolve in the future, Lexus will continue to be front-and-center in terms of hybrid development, because, well, for the most part, they know more than what other car brands know.
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