Sunday, November 1, 2009

GM now offering in-car Internet access

gm now offering in-car internet access
In today’s fast-paced world, internet connectivity has become a necessity everywhere we go so it comes as no surprise that car manufacturers are all going gaga over the prospect of having dealer-installed routers on their vehicles. The first brand to do this was Chrysler when it put Autonet routers on its vehicles about a year ago. Chrysler was then followed by Volkswagen, which had the service installed on the Routan a few months ago.

The latest to hop on the bandwagon is General Motors. After signing a deal with Autonet, the Detroit-based manufacturer will now be offering the service for a number of car lines under its umbrella, including GMC, Chevrolet, Buick, and Cadillac. The Wi-Fi hotspot created by the service extends within 150 feet of your car and without an encryption key to keep your connection private, all those that fall within that radius would be able to access free internet connectivity.

According to Sterling Pratz, the CEO of Autonet Mobile, “Ninety percent of customers prefer surfing the Internet over just watching movies. “Customers want the biggest brands the Internet has to offer in their car, such as Facebook, YouTube and FlyCast Internet radio.”
The in-car Internet service for GM is bound to attract a lot of customers, especially those that cant seem to stay away from being connected to the Internet for longer than five minutes. The service comes with an installation price of $500 and a monthly charge of $29 a month for a service capacity of 1 GB.<


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